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Our Mission
"To deliver world class Food & beverage products, services by exceeding customer expectations, achieving excellence and provide the family with the world's best fashion brands.

Corporate Profile

Corporate Profile

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  • FECO has its grand Annual general meeting at 12-06-2011 for its remarkable growth
  • B&C went a step ahead to reach out to its customers, yet again, more efficiently and effectively than before, and therefore firming its insurmountable position further B&C celebrates its happy movements.
  • B&C has planned to bring out its best productions at this month. The company is expected to steal the spotlight with its modern premium customized concepts.
  • Standard features which set the B&C apart from other competitor offering customized products.
  • The work shop is an opportunity to meet, exchange ideas and to discuss on the solved and unsolved problems.
  • The annual meeting was held to develop a close relationship with all the concern departments.
  • The meeting was held on date for discussions, experience sharing and training aiming at the company development.
  • The monthly gathering is one of our most important "public face" and the place where new folks come to find more about learn, and meet their fellow sustainability and minded neighbors.
  • The monthly gathering is free events, put on by the community, for the community. The more successful, fun and rewarding they will be for everyone!